
Hi there Cakesters! This is my very first blog post ever!


Well, after a few much needed weeks off from teaching I am about to get back on schedule. I have an advanced class starting end of April, which reminds me... I need to confirm with that group! I have a Candy Making class scheduled for the week before Mother's day and another advanced class for another group planned for the week after Mother's day. I need to add in some demonstrations to my schedule as well. Demo's, as I like to call them, help to introduce the classes to people who didn't know about them, live and in person.

Here is an example of what that looks like. Excuse my back...

I will do at least one demo in April on Candy Making. During that one I will dip some pretzels and make my
World Famous and often Imitated Marachino Mice.These are some mice, my friend Pat created after I showed her how. She made them for a dinner party and got raves from her guests and had to send me a pic. I told her she better! lol!

I also advertise on Craig's list and I have a Yahoo Group for all my students. I haven't offered an introductory class in a while and I have been hearing that alot of people are asking when the next one is. I think I might have to schedule 2 to fit all the people. Cool!
I will be back blogging weekly to start or more often as my following increases...tell your friends! I'm going to take this blogging thing slow and since I have posted only once since starting this blog in January (yes, January) I think posting weekly maybe a little ambitious. I am not worried though. I am excited!
Happy Caking everyone!